Hello and welcome to the ADDult Webring homepage. This page is devoted to addult humans who are dealing with Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder. Basically it is intended for adults with AD(H)D, Parents with children who have AD(H)D, and other "grown-ups" who are dealing either directly or indirectly with AD(H)D. To join the WebRing, fill out the following form. Don't forget to go and get the code neccesary to put the table on your page! Without it you cannot be added to the ring!
I know, I know. I've been negligent here lately. I don't think I've done
anything with the ring site in almost a year. I've had some major changes
of life since I first started this thing. I've graduated from college, taught
in two high schools, gotten married, and swapped out 2 hard drives. At
any rate, a ADDult friend named Batlise asked me about the WebRing and I admitted
I'd been sort of lax about it lately. She offered to help me with it
and so we've become co-managers of the ring! At any rate, expect to see
the site grow like never before now that both of us will be checkign up
on it! If you have any questions, you can find both of us on ICQ
rather regularly My number is 7413844 and hers is 5212183. You may also
E-mail us as follows:
![]() ![]() Jeffrey S. Brown. Want to join the ADDult Ring? |
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